
Where to Fish : Finch Farm Fishery

Finch Farm Fishery has been providing great fishery services in Berkshire for over 20 years. Located in the quiet countryside of rural Berkshire, Finch Farm Fishery offers coarse fishing on three protected and sheltered lakes with a fine stock of fish including catfish, carp, tench, bream, roach, rudd, perch, chub and pike to name just a few! The three lakes provide many swims and are enclosed with a tree lined grass embankment all around.

Day Ticket Prices:

Day tickets can be bought on site and Season Tickets can also be purchased for £200. Finch farm also offers an Evening ticket (after 4pm) for £6 and night tickets for £25. 

Finch Farm, Carp, Catfish and Match Fishery in Berkshire.

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