
PVA Solid Bag Vs PVA BAGS Mesh – Carp Fishing Tips

As a Carp angler, you know the importance of strategically releasing bait in the water. That’s where PVA bags or mesh come in. These game-changing technologies have revolutionized traditional fishing practices. But, what’s the best option? The debate between PVA bags and PVA mesh continues. Don’t miss out on the benefits of PVA technology – choose the right option for you and take your fishing game to the next level.

PVA Bag Fishing or PVA Mesh?

The choice between PVA bags and PVA mesh fishing is not merely a matter of personal preference but can significantly influence the outcome of a fishing expedition.

Both have their merits and applications, but understanding the nuances of each can mean the difference between a fruitful day at the water and going home empty-handed.

This article delves into the advantages and disadvantages of both methods, setting anglers up for success regardless of their choice. Join us as we navigate the waters of this compelling debate, casting light on which PVA product might just be the perfect catch for your next angling adventure.

How Does PVA work for fishing?

PVA, a water-soluble synthetic polymer, is unique in its ability to dissolve without leaving any toxic residues, making it environmentally friendly and ideal for fishing. In angling, PVA products are used to encase bait mixtures.

The PVA casing releases the bait at the desired location once the PVA dissolves in water. This ensures that the bait remains intact during the cast and settles effectively to attract fish.

Always ensure that your hands are dry when handling PVA products, as any moisture can start the dissolving process prematurely.

What are PVA bags used for?


PVA (Polyvinyl Alcohol) bags are pre-sealed bags, typically transparent, that can be filled with bait and sealed.

These are used by anglers, especially those targeting carp, to deliver a small parcel of bait accurately to a chosen fishing spot. PVA fishing bags are water-soluble, meaning they dissolve upon contact with water.

When a PVA bag filled with bait is cast into the water, the bag dissolves, leaving a concentrated pile of bait in the vicinity of the angler’s hookbait. This helps to attract fish to the hookbait and increases the chances of a take.

Benefits of PVA Bags for Carp Fishing

+ Convenience and speed.

+ Predetermined bait quantity.

+ Suitable for a mix of bait types.

+ Minimized tangle risks.


Unsure how to tie a Solid bag? Why not read ” How to tie a solid bag”

What is PVA mesh used for?


PVA (Polyvinyl Alcohol) mesh looks like a fine netting tube, which can be filled with bait.

Mesh is often used by anglers to create small parcels or “sticks” of bait. Like PVA bags, PVA mesh is primarily used for carp fishing but can be applied to other types of coarse fishing as well.

The mesh allows anglers to pack down a variety of baits, including pellets, crushed boilies, and groundbait mixes, into a tubular or stick shape. This bait-loaded mesh can then be attached to the hook or lead setup, ensuring that a concentrated amount of bait is delivered right next to the hookbait when cast out.

The holes in the mesh mean, that, unlike bags, the bait will not float and will read lower sections of the water column, where many fish tend to be hiding.

Does PVA Mesh dissolve?

Yes, PVA mesh is water-soluble and will dissolve completely when submerged in water, leaving the bait behind in a tight cluster. This dissolution creates an attractive feeding spot for fish around the hook.

Benefits of PVA Mesh

+ Flexibility in bait quantity.

+ Easier to create stringers or chains of bait.

+ Allows for more free movement and dispersal of bait.

+ Can cater to different bait sizes more effectively.

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