
Where to Fish:

Tri-Lakes Yateley – Day Ticket

Tri-Lakes Yateley is a Stillwater fishery located in Berkshire. Most noted for Carp/Specimen and Pike/Predator fishing, Pike, Roach and Mirror Carp are amongst the key species on offer at the venue. The owners have taken steps to facilitate disabled access. 

Food and drink can be purchased on-site too, site also features on-site toilets.

Our Summer opening hours, (March – October) are 8am – dusk (7pm latest) and Winter opening October – March are 8am – dusk (5pm latest), However they ask fisherman to arrive between 8-8:30 to ensure they can guarantee entry.

Fore more info Vist: 

Tri-Lakes Day Ticket Prices:

Where to Fish in Yateley - Tri-lakes Yateley

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