
Where To Fish : Farleymoor

Farleymoor Lake is a small water in the middle of Bracknell industrial estate however despite its location it does hold a very nice stock of carp. Its a great stepping stone for people looking to catch bigger fish but also have regular action. The island has long been known as a hotspot with people often overlooking the near margins.
The lake is situated close to the road and has a concrete path all the way round which makes it very accessible to everyone.

Day Ticket Prices:

Day tickets can be bought in-store at Crowthorne Angling Centre and are Cash only. Alternatively you can join the club through their website: https://www.bracknellheronsac.co.uk/

Night fishing is only permitted if you are a member of the Bracknell Herons.

Farleymoor Lake Carp Fishing Bracknell Herons

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